Youthful memories are so nostalgic! Those were the days!

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Another mini-masterpiece. I forwarded it to 13 friends we met on a small island in Fl twenty years ago. We laugh all the time we gather, listen to one another and bring care and counsel to whom ever asks. We just said “see you next year” two days ago.

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Judy, there is nothing like that, is there?

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Vividly written! Having grown up going to Fire Island, this put me right back there. And that special, youthful comradery, that puppy-pile of completely safe, accepting friends! You capture that so well it sent me straight back to my hippie community days.

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Thank you! Do you still have bellbottoms?

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Sadly, no. My ex threw them out! (another story) And they were so artfully patched with peace signs, daisies, and smiley faces. ✌️❤️

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Just. Beautiful. thank you. I'm tempted to ask if you will go on but that's an irrelevant question because this is perfect just as it is.

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Thanks, Nancy. I would like to go on!

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Vibrant. Recalling an exceptional moment in your life. Hopefully one of many when you knew then and know now that happiness was unquestionably there. Thank you for sharing the feeling of this friendship, of this summer vacation and the lovely pictures.

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Thank you, Olivier, for your customary generosity! We are in Paris! Lovely!!

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C'est formidable !

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