May 2Liked by Richard Goodman

LOVE this, Richie. It sounds like you're on a marvelous honeymoon...a life and travel dream come true, and I am so happy for you and Gaywynn! You write eloquently (in English) and are spot on about the trials of trying -- after many years -- to speak French with actual French people in (OMG) actual FRANCE! Understanding what they say is not so hard. Responding and being understood..much more difficult! So glad to hear you are persisting and having some real success, even when you launch a joke. Enjoy!!!

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Thank you so much, Jane. Your words warm my heart. Whenever I know you've enjoyed something I've written, I feel 100% better. I hope you're doing well!

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Toujours un immense plaisir de te lire. Et tu es très drôle. Je suis un peu gêné car, il y a longtemps, j'ai été un de ces serveurs parisiens qui répondent parfois en anglais aux clients étrangers qui essayent poliment de communiquer en français. Maintenant je sais qu'il faut respecter ça.

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PS, I have updated the post with your "avec ceci" note in mind. I always appreciate being told those things.

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Salut Richard. I just saw that! Thank you for making me appear in your text. C'est un honneur.

Not sure if you noticed, this time around, on your visit, how the word "souci" is now so much more in use. People say "Pas de soucis" (no worries) every other sentence, these days. It has a replaced the ubiquitous "pas de problème" which was also rather annoying.

I have a whole list of things that people say in France that drive me insane.

"j'ai halluciné / Je lâche pas l'affaire / Vous êtes lourd / du coup... / Au final... / ça va pas le faire / pas de souci / c'est chaud / c'est mort / on lâche rien / on part sur du.../ au jour d'aujourd'hui / c'est un truc de fous / Dites moi tout ! (dans les commerces = qu'est-ce que vous désirez?) Très belle journée à vous / A très vite" the list goes on.

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Thanks, Olivier. It was fun to write. And in the end a small price to pay for an idea for a post! Hope all is well with you.

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Congrats on the new beginning! ...and what a way to kick it off: Paris! :-)

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Thanks, Roy.

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Great to hear about your honeymoon! Happiness :). And special to go to France.

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Thanks, Jody!

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Funnily in French : » lune de miel » ou «  voyage de noces « 

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I must send this to my granddaughter who has spent several semesters in Paris and much time during COVID in other parts of France. I predict she will not only what you write, but also she will read in between some of the lines. Judy

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Let me know what she thinks! I have a feeling her French is far better than mine!

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I applaud your efforts to speak French, especially in Paris. Even when I was close to being fluent (back in the Dark Ages) the Parisians weren't tolerant. Glad you persisted and made someone smile. How did Gaywynn do?

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Gaywynn understood a great deal!

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Congratulations! How wonderful to hear of your marriage, Richard. I, too, just married and we are honeymooning in Spain for a couple of weeks😊. Best wishes

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So happy for you, Judy!!!

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