Richard, what a letdown! Beautiful writing about the simple, but so meaningful routines and attachment to places you develop when living in a big city. I was on that bike with you! We want these places to stay exactly the same for ever. And when we find that some have disappeared we feel robbed.

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It's also frightening, when it seems to be happening all around us! Rising prices and diminishing quality. Artisanal flare replaced by soulless corporate culture? What does it mean? Economic crisis? Rising scarcity? Imminent apocalypse? Impending doom?

Welcome to late-stage capitalism! It reminds me of the Ouroboros, the snake that eats its own tail. In Norse mythology, it grows so large that it encircles the world and grasps its tail in its teeth. It'll consume the world, and then consume itself. Then comes the fun part... Rebirth!

I wonder what life will create next?

Yeah Richard, you should've known when you saw the light fixtures...

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