Jun 14Liked by Richard Goodman


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I find languages fascinating as well. Thanks for sharing, Richard!

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And thanks for reading, Jolina!

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Great: Chinese is like yoga for the mouth and tongue. I tried it once in Hong Kong but gave up Mandarin when I discovered Cantonese was the local lingua franca, you should excuse the term, and Cantonese has FOURTEEN tones!

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Nancy, you have been everywhere!

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Not quite. Seldom below the equator though I've been to Argentina and Chile but briefly in both cases.

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Ni hao! Everyone says that Chinese is so difficult. Don't be intimidated! I listened to Mandarin language tapes during my daily commute for six weeks ahead of a trip to China years ago. It was time well spent. I lwas able to learn just enough to be able to bargain in the shops and order drinks. All the essentials! I'm sure I butchered the language, but the locals were delighted that I was making an effort. It seemed to work. I got good deals in the shops and when I ordered two beers, voila! Beers appeared!

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Wow! If I go to China, you have to tell me how to order a beer!

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Richard, you never cease to amaze. Bravo! But please, don't forget your wonderful English.

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I'll try not to!

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Wow, Richard! I'm impressed and envious! Asian languages seem so daunting, and well, foreign. Your daring and curiosity are encouraging. Let's learn Chinese!!

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Richard, I love this. You are an inspiration. At 84, I shall now try to learn Italian. Much easier, but at my age, anything is a challenge.

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Buona fortuna, Marilyn!

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Grazie, Richard

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